To the mountain and back

So recently a friend of ours invited us to have an awesome trip into the mountains around Chiang Mai. We were expecting him to have two Motos, (Motorcycles) but to our surprise, he only had one. So we went to another friend’s house to pick up a second Moto. And of course, being the great people they are, they let us borrow it.
Anyway, off into the mountains we go, it’s a cool day, the birds were singing, my Dad was driving, we were chatting. But soon the path became windier than a snake, and I was hanging onto the moto for dear life!!! But it was ok… until we reached a point in the mountain where it was almost a straight drop down! “OH GOODNESS!” I said as I looked down the hill. (which to me looked like a cliff edge) So of course, we went down anyway and I was holding on for all that is good. And out loud I said “This is awesome!” and in my brain, I said I hate this so much please end it, let it stop, Please, please, please
When we reached the bottom our friend said “Welp, the place is closed time to go back up!” and I’m like WE JUST CAME DOWN HERE AAHAHAGAHAGAHAGAHAGAH but I said, “ok sure sounds great…” So we went back up the windy path and at one point our old moto was going so slow that walking would have been faster… it was soooo steep! Anyway, we made it to the top and went home. I didn’t feel very good afterward and that evening we saw that I had a HUGE sunburn on my knees. But I had a bunch of “fun.”

2 thoughts on “To the mountain and back

  1. What a great adventure! So glad you made it back alive man!

    On Thu, Jul 1, 2021 at 3:52 AM Mathias Ginders Blog wrote:

    > fireprophet08 posted: ” So recently a friend of ours invited us to have an > awesome trip into the mountains around Chiang Mai. We were expecting him to > have two Motos, (Motorcycles) but to our surprise, he only had one. So we > went to another friend’s house to pick up a second Mo” >


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