
Annihilation Summary (Spoiler Alert)

Annihilation is a Psychological Thriller novel that dabbles in xenophobia (The fear of the unknown) and a feeling of loneliness. It is the first of three novels written by Jeff Vandermeer. The whole series was released in 2014. The book starts off with The Biologist (Our protagonist) setting out for Area X (a natural disaster…

Should you buy Subnautica in 2022?

Subnautica is an outstanding Survival game for Pc, Mac, Ps4, Ps5, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox SeriesX. Subnautica captures the feeling of Thalassophobia perfectly (Thassalaphobia is the fear of deep bodies of water and darkness.) and is the perfect game for those who are into survival and those who are into intense exploration. The story…

Should you buy Star Wars Imperial Assault in 2022?

First off, What is Imperial Assault? Imperial Assault (or commonly referred to as “ImpAss” or merely IA by the Imperial Assault community) is a tactical game of warfare between two factions, the Imperials, and the Rebels. Imperial Assault is a game for 1-5 players that includes three different ways to play. The first way to…

Happy Birthday Max!

So… It was Max’s B-day recently. Max was born on a rather unique date, 10/10/2020… I knew something was weird about that dog!!! Anyway even though he is SUPER weird I really love him a lot!!! So I decided to make a birthday video for him. We decided to give max a plate full of…

To the mountain and back

So recently a friend of ours invited us to have an awesome trip into the mountains around Chiang Mai. We were expecting him to have two Motos, (Motorcycles) but to our surprise, he only had one. So we went to another friend’s house to pick up a second Moto. And of course, being the great…

Max Takes A Plunge!

Hi My name is Mathias and I am the owner of Max. Max is a Boston Terrier who has one blue eye and who has ears bigger than his face and we love to go on walks. And that’s where our story starts… It was a bright and sunny day in Chiang Mai, Max and…

Minecraft Dungeons Review

Minecraft Dungeons, is a dungeon crawler set in the minecraft universe. It is the newest game in the Minecraft series. Minecraft dungeons has a very uniqe game style in terms of its a p.g.w or procedirally generated worlds or in laymans terms the layout of the map is diffrent every time you play it. It…

My Journey With Max

Max is our boston terrier… he has one blue eye and one black eye. 🙂 Max has come a long way since we got him. He can now sit still when we ask him to, he can also fetch, sit and… almost stay. I fell very confident that Max is doing well. I also feel…

What is Rec Room?

Rec room is a social app on vr/ps4/pc/xbox/oculus/steam/vive/IOS/ETC. It is free on all devices and has a host of fun games to play. As you see there is something for everyone and this is not even close to scratching the surface. you can download the game from here and here is the trailer

Is Overwatch still popular?

Short answer “yes” long answer… I can still find games and yes its still fun if its your type of game matchmaking can take anywhere between 1 min and 20 minutes but thats a extreme case scenerio but is it still worth buying? “no its not because overwatch 2 is coming out soon” overwatch cinematic…


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